Tim Brown
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November 15, 2024
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Bring healing to virtually ANY disease!

Bring healing to virtually ANY disease with the use of frequencies in this authentically recreated Rife Machine using God's technology, discovered by Nicholas Tesla and advanced by Royal Rife! Use promo code TIM and save! https://micronicsilver.com/product-page/royal-rife-machine #Everyone

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October 22, 2024
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The wave of the future of health and healing is light therapy and we can put it in the palm of your hand for less than a cup of coffee per day - and best of all... no pharmaceuticals and nothing goes into your body! Check us out! wavelengthpatch.com

The wave of the future of health and healing is light therapy and we can put it in the palm of your hand for less than a cup of coffee per day - and best of all... no pharmaceuticals and nothing goes into your body! Check us out! http://wavelengthpatch.com

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